Back To School Picnic

Garden Pavilion (Meadowbrook Park) 2808 S. Race Street, Urbana, IL, United States

Everyone is welcome—students, alumni, friends of the Seminary, faculty. Beverages, paper goods, and meat will be provided.

Barbie: UTS Movie Night

Savoy 16 232 Burwash Ave, Savoy, IL, United States

Friday, August 25, Savoy 16. Meet in Lobby @ 5:30 ($12 tickets) followed by discussion at 8:30 (Email: Snacks / Drinks Provided!

Tolkien Conference

TBD Urbana, IL, United States

The Beauty of Belonging

All Souls Presbyterian Church 202 W Illinois St., Urbana, IL, United States

A dinner discussion on unlikely friendships

Arrival: A Faith and Film Movie Night

Twin City Bible Church 806 W Michigan Ave, Urbana, IL, United States

Come explore how popular, beloved, and thought-provoking films intersect with the Christian faith! We will watch each movie together and spend some time discussing its themes, while enjoying some tasty snacks.

X-Men: A Faith and Film Movie Night

Twin City Bible Church 806 W Michigan Ave, Urbana, IL, United States

Come explore how popular, beloved, and thought-provoking films intersect with the Christian faith! We will watch each movie together and spend some time discussing its themes, while enjoying some tasty snacks.

Math and Love

All Souls Presbyterian Church 202 W Illinois St., Urbana, IL, United States

What does mathematics have to do with love? Join Dr. James Drimalla (University of Virginia) to uncover the connection between mathematics and flourishing human relationships.

Can you fund friendship?

All Souls Presbyterian Church 202 W Illinois St., Urbana, IL, United States

a dinner discussion on unlikely friendships